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These insignificant words hastily written,
won’t change the world,
they’ll remain in silence,
until it too forgets them.


You may deem them useless, perhaps,
these disjointed phrases
addressing someone absent,
but they hold a deeper meaning than your unspoken thoughts,
for they grant you life,
make you immortal,
render this furious yet tender sentiment eternal,
to the extent something can be.


They resemble your memory:
distant, elusive, filled with lights but mostly shadows,
these you’ll label as “trifles.”
You’re always there,
yet never truly present,
and in your absence, there’s more strength than in the presence of countless strangers
who wish to press their dry lips
upon the docile mouth that solely belongs to you.


These trivialities
Will grant new meaning to what I feel, for you:
they’ll sow seeds of cornflower and rhododendron
in a long-forgotten, uncultivated land,
shaken by storms and floods
that have razed to the ground the splendid papier-mâché realm
we had built, you and I.


That forsaken place, forgotten by God, will bloom again,
thanks to these little things,
thanks to me, dedicating myself entirely to them,
and thanks to you, the silent listener of distant thoughts I believe I share only with the pale, playful moon
which, with a smile, observes from above our unaware, nostalgic nightly exchanges.

Hello! I'm Lara, I'm 17 years old, and I live in Italy. I started writing when I was about 7 years old, and since then, I've never stopped. I've always kept my poems and writings to myself, but my best friend encouraged me to share them because he thinks they can touch the hearts of many people, so here I am, giving it a try! Currently, I'm attending high school, and after this, my dream is to graduate in psychology, given my passion for the human mind :) Besides writing, I read a lot of books, I love playing video games, and I'm learning to draw... but I'm not very good at that last one, lol.


Instagram: @talkto0much_

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