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I deserved Storge. Parental love. I had a right to my mother's arms and to my dad’s sweetness and pride. 
I needed Philia. Deep friendship. I graved someone to trust, someone to laugh with, not them to laugh at me. Call me greedy if you must.
I am found wanting, lusting for Eros. Sexual passion. Something deep, savage, and real . I graved Ludus. Playful love. So innocent and pure, yet so important love . Just someone whose hand to hold, who to call safe. I envy those who possess something so priceless. I hoped for Pragma. Longstanding love. Something so strong and secure that I could carelessly fall into gluttony.
I lack Philautia. Self-love. Something kind towards myself. I mirror what others gave me, but that doesn’t seem like warmth, more like wrath.
So why give the world my Agape? My love for everyone. When it comes to affection, and adoration, I became sloth. The darkness of the world is starting to match the one of my heart.

In today’s words, I suffer from a deadly insufficiency of love. 

I am an 18-year-old history student, who finally decided to start seriously working towards my dream of becoming a writer. I have previously written pieces, but not in English, which is the language I want to develop and write in. I love words and admire the magic and power they hold. This piece is my first one that I am confident in. My lovemix of history and the seven deadly sins. 

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