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grace hanutsaha

My hands trembled. I couldn’t bear to look at the cold, twisted being, her face etched in insurmountable misery, staring hauntingly back at me in this goddamn mirror. With his eyes. His eyes, pale blue, like the serene sky on a snowy winter’s day, although it’s unlikely he will ever see the sky again, only the bottom of a lake. 


That’s all I saw when I looked in the mirror. His eyes. They don’t even belong to me anymore, but what has ever truly belonged to me? My knuckles slowly turned white as my hands formed fists. I gazed back up at the mirror. I couldn’t look at her anymore. I hauled my body forward and punched her.


Glittering shards of glass flew at my face, piercing into my bare skin. Adrenaline coursed through my veins. I punched the remaining fragments of her again, and again, until my knuckles were stained crimson and bruised, like his body lying there in the river, and until the mirror was a thousands of blood stained stars.


Heartbreak is twisted waves of grief, gruelling, stealing and tearing you apart each and every day. It can control you and make you do things you don’t mean to do. It is a shard of glass in the heart that can never be removed, although the edges get duller with time.


Catching my breath, I slowly picked up the largest shard of glass, to see if I had punched the blue out of my eyes, to see if the colour had been drained out.


They were still his eyes.

My name is Grace, and I like writing stories, poems, reading and nature. I hope you enjoy this short story- Fragmented. It could become an extract in a future book I am writing. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you have an amazing day 

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