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ciera b

Love is an understatement

It is excitement

It is disgrace

Love is confusion

It is therapeutic

Love is rage


It is all the madness

And all the sanity we don't have

It's complicated

Uncomplicating itself


Love is your opponent

A delusional form of self

It's the weird discussion of morality

It's the undeniable

The imperfect

Coming together in two parts


The fish in a bowl

The cat in a pond

The girl in a black dress


Love is the unmatchable

The perfection of an edgeless puzzle

The minority of a monarchy

The Jewels on the crown


Love is my favourite kind of music

Love is the hate inside my soul

The unfaithful

The smell of a dead man

The Roses around the valley


Love is all the words

And the endless silence

The tears we shed and the sorrow

The smiles we give and the dance


Love is everything and all

Love is nothingness that will forever exist

Love is me. It's you.

Love is us.



I fell in love with a stranger

Because I was too scared to love myself

He was devoted to anger

I was the only one that couldn't tell


I fell in love with an angel

His wings were my favourite scars

His soul my favourite painter

Though I wasn't the only masterpiece he could touch


I was devoted to funerals

So I helped him plan my own

All of the guests held warning signs

So I broke them and sent them home


My soul was always claustrophobic

It couldn't stand the tight and dark

So It left in search of the angel

The only one who once loved my heart


I fell in love with an angel

I don't care if they call him danger

His love was as innocent as mine

He never wanted to hold the dagger

Sometimes his mind went dark.



And there was a tale.

Two hearts beating, as one of them would stop at any moment.

One couldn't breathe.

Every second felt like the end was just another second away.


A feeling that tells the world everything is over.

No heartbeat.

No heavy breathing.

No illusion of time and space.

No mischief of the sound.


In the middle of petunias, daisies and dahlias.


The unique sensation of loneliness fills one completely.

One gasps.

Flowers that turn a sad life into a coloured


But one's eyes can't see colour.

Just black on white.

White on black.


One stands.

Flowers that disguise the smell of death.

But one can't feel the smell of flowers.

Just death over blood.

Blood over death.


One cries.

One looks at the dark form of liquid transparent substance that floats over ones head.


The blue fades.

The grey rises.


One gives a step forward.

A long way awaits, a path with memories one

must overcome in order to move forward.

One journey ends.

One journey starts.

Hey there, my name is Ciera, I'm 18 years old, from Maputo, Mozambique.  My dream is to become a fiction writer and a poet. I started writing when I still in elementary school, short stories, music, poetry,  and never stopped. I'll soon start my first year at University and I want to boost my career from there.  My biggest inspiration is my mom who used to write poetry herself, but never made much out of it, now I read mostly Poe's work and some new poetry. Besides writing, I paint, bake, sing, read a lot and love science, reason why I'm in STEM. I also love God and am a Christian  I'm from a very poorly known country, making difficult for me to get recognition, but I believe no effort is too small.


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Tiktok: @.ciera._

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