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ROOM 103

alannah thomas

The way she looked and listened vividly to us as if we were all future Nobel prize winners, while that would be statistically unlikely under any other circumstances, at that exact time in that exact room, it felt true, it felt okay to dream.


I do believe teachers have the greatest power anyone can have over a child, a greater power than their friends or even their own parents.


Because not only do they provide them with knowledge and thus a broader and deeper understanding of the world, but they also make them feel seen and heard, when their "friends" simply don't care and parents just care about grades, and being "successful in life", whatever that may mean.


For around an hour or so, time stops, all of their problems come to a halt, they're finally free of all their worries, of all their responsibilities as much as a child can have.


To make myself clear, that one teacher is the unique reason why I'm writing this piece, because she allowed us to dream, in a world where dreams are associated with childishness.

Alannah Thomas is a 14 years-old French writer who believes that books are the best way to escape the mental prison we created for ourselves often known as reality. She enjoys everything from classic literature to the Harry Potter saga. She also reads loads of books about more serious topics like "A brief history of time" by Stephen Hawking. The thing she despises the most is when people say (everyone has heard this at least once in their lifetime) that you need to be "successful in life" to be happy, mainly because that shows they don't know what being happy means.


Instagram: @alannah.thomas_

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